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Interfaith ​Fellowship


His word,

one person

at a time

Embracing All Paths:

A Sanctuary for Spiritual Growth and Unity

Rear View of People Praising inside a Church

Welcome to the Esoteric Interfaith Fellowship

Our mission is to create a supportive and inclusive ​community for those seeking deeper spiritual ​understanding and connection.

Service Times

Sunday Morning: 9:00 am & 11:00 am

Life is at its best when we live it together! Click below for ​more information on upcoming events and opportunities ​for community.

Coming Soo​n

Marriage Is A Ministry


“for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be ​joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh So then, they ​are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined ​together, let not man separate.” Matthew 19:4-6

God tells us in His word that:

“All scripture (the Bible) is given by inspiration of God, and is ​profitable for doctrine (teaching), for reproof, for correction, for ​instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, ​thoroughly equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Marriage is a sacred covenant, and I firmly believe that God's Word serves as a complete manual on how to nurture it correctly. ​Through my own marriage and through counseling and discipleship with others, I have seen firsthand that the principles ​taught in God's Word can bless and transform your relationship as a couple.

Our ministry's goal is to convey these biblical truths clearly, helping you understand God's will and purpose for marriage. ​Without knowledge of God's non-negotiable principles for marriage, it is challenging to achieve a fulfilling and successful ​relationship.

I encourage you to seek the Lord and ask Him to open your heart to receive His guidance. Be open to His loving correction, ​willing to change anything that is contrary to His Word, and trust that He will grant you the grace to make those changes.

Marriage Tribunal I Office of the Matrimony Magistrate

The Esoteric Interfaith Fellowship has established the Marriage Tribunal and the Office of the Matrimony Magistrate to supervise ​and train ministers in their role as wedding officiants, ensuring they solemnize the rites of matrimony with the utmost reverence and ​adherence to our faith principles. After being appointed by the trustees, this office was created to uphold the sanctity of marriage ​while providing guidance and support to our ministers.

The Catholic Church has marriage tribunals to remain committed to the teachings of Jesus Christ concerning marriage and to ​manifest compassion to those whose marriages have failed. Similarly, the Esoteric Interfaith Fellowship is dedicated to being both ​"prophetic" (teaching what Jesus taught) and "pastoral" (ministering to those whose marriages have ended in civil divorce). Our ​marriage tribunal responds to requests from those who have experienced divorce, investigating whether their former marriage was ​validly established according to the church's understanding of marriage.

The Marriage Tribunal views its efforts as a healing ministry, expressing the Fellowship's compassion and concern for those whose ​marriages have ended. We have a system to handle marriage nullity cases, allowing individuals who believe their marriage was not ​validly established to petition the tribunal. The tribunal's work involves reviewing and discerning the basis of such petitions, aiming to ​bring clarity and healing to those affected.

Interfaith and Ecumenical Relations

The Esoteric Interfaith Fellowship is committed to fostering interfaith and ecumenical relations, recognizing the ​importance of unity and understanding among different faith communities.

We strive to support and collaborate with various religious traditions, promoting mutual respect and shared values. ​Our ministry welcomes all couples, regardless of their faith background, and offers ceremonies that reflect the ​diversity and richness of our spiritual community.

Our Work in the Community

Empowering our community through inclusive spiritual guidance and compassionate service, ​the Esoteric Interfaith Fellowship fosters unity and growth for all.

Family Pray Together Praying at Home

Coming Soon

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Watch our Services

Wedding Ceremony with minister

Off the Streets:

Our Efforts to End ​Homelessness

Our Hope & Help Drive provided essential food, ​clothing, and hygiene products to the homeless ​through mobile distribution centers. Partnering ​with local organizations, we also offered ​counseling and support services.

Volunteers Checking Crates of Food

Come Join Us

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Esoteric Interfaith Fellowship, Inc.

5900 Balcones Drive STE 100

Austin, TX, 78731


Richard A. Richardson, PhD, ThD, D.Div.

The Holy Bible
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2024 Esoteric Interfaith Fellowship, Inc. All rights reserved.